Are Cats Color Blind?

Are Cats Color Blind?

No, is the answer, however, their color vision is quite poor. In the first half of this century scientists were positive that cats were completely color blind and one expert …

Is Uva Ursi Safe For Cats?

Is Uva Ursi Safe For Cats?

If your pet has a bladder infection, you may have read some articles online and are wondering: is Uva Ursi safe for cats. The short answer is yes, but there …

Different Dog Breeding Methods

Different Dog Breeding Methods

Dog breeding is not as simple as you think. Many responsible pet owners favor to get purebred dogs nowadays. Even on a similar multiplies, breeding lines are inclined to produce …

Personality and Behaviours of Persian Cats

Personality and Behaviours of Persian Cats

General Description Persian cats are beautiful, social and harmless pet animal. It is also called Iranian cats or Shirizi cats. The scientific name of this pet animal is Felis catus. …